Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Let's lay in hypnosis tangled sheets,
While the idol arms that oft ought held you weep.
This is what helpless is;
Surrendered like the body and the companies we keep.
I am a dot on the sentence where the sentinels stand.
Reposed with the wind when the tide wears down.
You were always late.
Stand down, stand down.
Time always comes when the hands come around.
Brandished like the fires that can no longer breathe,
I am the spot on our faces that freckle whe
n you speak.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


She was up and feeling the prettiest she had in weeks.
Time enough for the both of us to run away in the panic sort of speak.
Sort of half God/half machine...
And read me books of hidden love and seek.
The things for which you look are found in between
My hands pressed on, and my tongue; restlessly caressed near your cheek.

(and after)

Abating the breath from my lungs.
Sort of half God/ Half man birthed by the machine.
And the words like "love" get redacted.
We tossed up our hands to look like doves
And I will not stop breathing for the sake of your love.
I am a spot on the sentence where your two lips combine.
Quickly out of time.
On the sink of the stitch, On the blink of an inch in the eye.
(and before)
Before for you come back
And so this never happens again,
Stay punctual, you are the dot that marks my end.

Monday, May 11, 2009


These goddamn birds will keep me up all morning.
There's nothing like the paltry graphite and coffee.
So don't get bogged down in pretty
When the push comes to mend and the ducks are all ugly.